Chamomile - Roman Chamomile Organic Essential Oil
- Anthemis Nobilis – 2ml
- £25.00
A much-loved scent for its sweetness and gentle flowery aroma.
In terms of scent, a little goes a long way with Chamomile, which is a good thing as this is one of our most expensive oils. To obtain this purity, and capture the beauty of Roman Chamomile, a huge yield and very precise distillation methods are required. The precious gifts that Roman Chamomile offers us are many, making this an ‘all-rounder’ oil to have in your collection.
Due to one of its chemical compounds being Azulene, Chamomile has natural and efficient anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for all inflamed skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, and allergies. It also calms inflamed muscles and joints such as arthritis.
This is our best oil for anxiety, especially good for children. It's calming and wonderful to be used at bedtime to induce a restful sleep.
Very useful for nervous digestive problems, as well as all issues associated with the reproductive system such as PMT, period pains, and the menopause.
MAIN THERAPEUTIC ACTIONS: Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, emmenagogue, sedative, stomachic, tonic.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not use neat on the skin. Not suitable during pregnancy. Otherwise suitable for everyone including children from 12 months old in very low dilutions.
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