Peppermint Organic Essential Oil
- Mentha Piperita - 10ml
- £10.00
An oil well known for its effects on easing digestion but perhaps less known for its effective - and in some cases instant - effects on relieving headaches and mental fatigue. Indeed, it has a noticeable calming effect on anger and frustration.
The thing to remember about Peppermint is that its effects are almost instant, and therefore a good oil to have at hand for many daily discomforts. Its fresh scent is a welcome relief for blocked sinuses, as well as nausea, and travel sickness.
Since Peppermint is very reviving, and stimulates the mind, it is best avoided late in the day. Peppermint is best as a morning oil to give us the strength to face the day with great optimism.
MAIN THERAPEUTIC ACTIONS: Analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, carminative, cephalic, cooling, expectorant, febrifuge, hydrating, stimulant, stomachic, tonic, uplifting, vasoconstrictive.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not use neat on the skin. Not compatible with homeopathy.
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