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Category: Detoxification

  1. 4: Thought #SevenDayDetox

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    Thoughts can be toxic. Negative, dark and self pitying thoughts make us feel anxious, insecure, nervous and stressed. Stress lowers the immune system, leaving us open to disease. Since stress is mainly provoked by thoughts, we need to constantly check that our thoughts haven’t run away with negative feelings. Negative thoughts provoke negative feelings that in turn provoke negative thoughts, before we know it we are feeling low and anxious.

    Sometimes we find ourselves in stressful situations and we can’t help feeling stress, but it’s our decision of how to allow our thoughts to flow throughout that time, which is going to determine how affected we really are by the situation. By creating awareness we can spot the very moment we are giving into negative destructive thoughts.

    We are responsible for our own state of mind and therefore responsible for keeping our thoughts ‘clean’. Happiness is but a state of mind, doing a Daily Thought Detox is the best way to keep happy.

    The Seven Day Detox 4

    Evening Thought Detox:

    Following from the breathing exercises on yesterday’s blog, a daily mini meditation is a great way to detox the mind before going to sleep.

    When finished with the 9 cleansing breaths, allow yourself to just relax and breathe without counting. Continue to take the breath deep into your diaphragm and exhale fully.

    Allow the body to sink into the mattress, feel the heaviness of its mass. Remain with the eyes closed and take your awareness to your feet and slowly bring it up all the way through the body. Relax each area with a full exhale. When you get to the head take time to relax the mouth, the eyes, the forehead and eventually the whole head.

    Remain with the eyes closed and just be. Any thoughts that come into your mind just brush them away, don’t judge them or allow a thought process to start, allow thoughts and images to come and go, be a spectator. At first this will be difficult as we are so used to fixate and analyse whatever thoughts come to us. Don’t be hard on yourself, each day it will be a bit easier. With time and patience you will soon be meditating and able to truly relax.

    If you find it hard to meditate why don’t you do a guided meditation? There are many free guided meditations online, its just a matter of finding what you feel most comfortable with. At times of stress I find it hard to focus on meditation and my mind wonders with thought, before I know it I’m worrying about something instead of meditating. At these times I plug in my headphones and do a guided meditation online, it always helps me to relax and detox my mind. The Chopra free guided meditations are very good for beginners:

  2. 3: Breathe #SevenDayDetox

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    So easy and yet so many of us get it wrong! Most of us who live in the so called ‘civilised world’ suffer from shallow breathing. From an early age we are told to stand up straight, watch our posture, put shoulders back. This is great advice but it leads into thinking that we should be breathing from our chests. Also as we grow older many of us have the tendency to hold in our stomachs in order to look slimmer.

    The Seven Day Detox 3

    Shallow breathing uses the upper chest and upper back muscles to lift the ribcage, overworking these muscles and leaving the diaphragm (who’s job that is) un-exercised. The result is shoulders that face inwards, a slight hunched back that with time will only get worse and inefficient breathing. The diaphragm is the only muscle that can fully and efficiently lift the ribcage to allow the lungs to fully extend and take a full breath. Those with shallow breathing resort to short quick breaths with exercising or when under stress, quickly tiring or getting irritated.

    70% of the body’s detoxification process is done through the lungs, and this is another main reason why efficient breathing is so important.


    These exercises are a simple way to deepen breathing and to cleanse the lungs. These exercises will also increase energy and decrease tension.

    Lie flat on your back to get a proper sense of deep breathing. Rest a small pillow under the neck and knees to reduce strain. Place one hand on your stomach at the base of the rib cage. Place the other hand on your chest. Take a slow and deep breath in through the nose to the count of 9. Placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth whilst breathing in through the nose allows for a soft breath. The breath should not put any strain on the muscles of the nose or face. As you inhale your stomach should expand, raising your hand at the base of your ribcage. Your chest should remain still, with your hand on your chest not rising at all with the in breath. As you finish inhaling to the count of 9, start exhaling immediately.
    Exhale through the mouth softly, making the exhalation last to the count of 9. Carry on exhaling even if you feel you do not have any more air coming out. When you feel a tight knot in your stomach is when you have totally finished exhaling. Whilst exhaling, the hand on the base of your ribcage should go down with the breath whilst the hand on your chest should remain totally still. Carry on inhaling and exhaling in the same way 9 times. Do this every day. During the day whenever you have a spare minute do a few breathing exercises wherever you are, standing or sitting down, this helps deal with stress and tension. 

    Happy Breathing!

  3. Seven Days of Detoxification: Day One, Sleep

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    The need to sleep is the outcome of the necessity of the body needing to
    detoxify and for the central nervous system to recuperate and recharge.
    The more you exercise the more you will become sleepy as there will be
    more toxins that naturally occur during the exercise and other accumulated
    toxins get expelled from the muscles.

    Certain foods are difficult to digest and have a stimulating affect, they
    should therefore not be consumed in the evening, they are mainly meat,
    spicy foods, caffeine and sweets. Stick mainly to evening meals consisting
    of good carbohydrates, lettuce is also very good to promote sleep.

    Sleep with the window a little open and if possible with the head pointing
    to the North or East and the feet towards South or West. For the last hour
    before going to bed don’t watch or read anything too violent or negative
    and avoid getting irritated by conversations or thoughts, start entering a
    state of calmness.

    SOVERAL SLEEP AID: Sleepy Head Oil

    It is made with Valerian essential oil that sedates and soothes the
    nervous system. It also has marjoram and chamomile that calms over-active
    minds and relieves anxiety and distress. Lemon clears the mind and lifts the spirits,
    sending you to bed feeling light and sleepy.


    If you don’t get enough sleep during the night you can always have a
    little nap during the day. This gorgeous little book will guide you to how
    to have the best nap! The Art of The Nap by Harriet Griffey

    The Art of The Nap by Harriet Griffey